The video illustrates the fundamentals of gravity.
Physical objects attract each other with a force proportional to the mass.
Free-fall is a result of the gravitational force between the earth (or in this case the moon) and the object falling (in this case the hammer and the feather).
Because the force between these two objects in proportional to mass, the acceleration is the same for all falling bodies.
Why on earth does a feather fall slower than a hammer? Air resistance
The moon has essentially no atmosphere (a vacuum) so there is no air resistance and we see how falling bodies fall at the same rate despite their mass
The moons gravity is ~16.7% that of earths
(~1.63m/s^2 on moon~ 9.81m/s^2 on earth)
This is due to the fact that the moon is much lass massive than the earth
The decreased gravity allows us to see the free fall in slow motion compared with what would see on earth.
The first scientist to figure this out was Galeileo Galilei, who also greatly improved the design of the telescope, and helped prove Copernicus's theory of Heliocentrism
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